
Jan 27, 2020

Another Tooth Fairy Envelope

Another grandchild had a lose tooth!
I knew I had to act fast, because her tooth was really wiggly!
Isabel drew her version of the tooth fairy 
and I got out my lightbox and traced her cute drawing 
onto some white fabric.

I sewed straight stitches for her hair, 
french knots for her bodice and lazy daisies for her skirt.
Then I chose some 1 1/2" scraps that matched the colors 
and framed the embroidery.

I went through my 2 l/2" stack of squares and found this print.
Since I don't use a pattern, the flap didn't fit in the tooth pocket.
I added a circle of velcro to keep it closed.
Word of warning.....I had a pack of little circle velcros 
that had glue on the back.
I knew the glue wasn't strong enough the hold the flap together, 
so I sewed them down on my sewing machine.
The glue ruined my sewing machine needle and part of the shaft.
Be careful about sewing things down that already have glue on them!
Bonus, I found this fairy button in my button bottle.

Isabel's tooth fell out the day after I gave her her tooth fairy pillow.
She's only 4 years old, I think she may be our youngest grandchild to lose a tooth so far!
She has another tooth that is ready to come out too!

1 comment:

  1. You make the cutest replica embroidery pictures from your grandchildren's drawings. All I can say is these are special treasures and so cuuuute!
