
Oct 21, 2019

Teaching grandchildren to sew

I had been so blessed to have one of our sons and his family 
move close to us :)
We both just had new homes built and we are literally two blocks away from each other, along a trail and through the park.
My three little grand daughters can walk to our house!
I have been working with Neo for months now, but she wanted to finish this quilt during fall break.
I didn't let her cut any of the fabric with the rotary cutter, I cut the pieces for her courthouse blocks myself!
Neo's 8 years old, she will be 9 in 6 days!!!

 Neo came over to my house last week 
and spent the whole day sewing.
She worked really hard and got five rows sewn together.
She came over the next day with her sisters 
and sewed the next five rows together.
She knew what to do, so I left her in the sewing room and helped her sisters with their own projects.

 She finished sewing all 60 blocks together!!!
Now she just has to sew a 6" border, that will be easy :)
Neo has come to know how useful a seam ripper is too, lol!
A seam ripper is a seamstress' best friend.

While Neo was sewing, I got an embroidery project ready for Kylie, who is 6 years old.
I helped her choose the colors and showed her how to stitch.
To my amazement, she sewed perfect little stitches.
She is a natural!
I think it takes talent to be able to use your fine motor skills, especially at age 6!

Then there's Izzy, she's 4 years old!
She loves putting puzzles together and did that for a while when I was helping Kylie.
She quickly became bored so I let her watch a little TV,
When I finished showing Kylie how to take the little stitches and tie a knot in the thread ( which she's already an expert at), 
I helped Izzy make a batch of Snickerdoodle cookies.
The girls had never tasted them before!
It's become a tradition that when we make cookies, we get a scoop of cookie dough while we're waiting for the cookies to bake.
Yummy, yummy, yummy!!!

I am very blessed to have such cute little grand daughters 
who live so close!
Now I just wish the other 11 grandchildren could move closer!


  1. Oh Cynthia - these pics just warm my heart :)! You are such a special Grandma! So proud of your cute granddaughters. Love Neo's quilt top - and Kylie's beautiful embroidery stitches. Izzy's mischievous smile, is just icing on the cake - so adorable. Now why didn't I think of that when baking cookies with our kids? To this day we have to buy a cookie dough ice cream cake for our youngest son when it is his birthday. Enjoy your new home!

  2. How fun for everyone! You are creating special memories and teaching skilss that they can enjoy for a lifetime. Great job Grandma!

  3. Wonderful story. The girls are just at the right age to be interested in learning from Grandma. Neo's quilt top is pretty amazing, too. Embroidery skills in the making for Kylie are going to be rewarding. Little Izzy helping with the cookies, just great learning times. Beautiful memories being made. You are so lucky to have the girls so close to you. I'm sure they are loving that. Children are a gift. You are so blessed!
