
Jul 29, 2019

Vintage Block Along, Parade block

We have moved and I don't have a sewing room anymore, for 6 more weeks.
We have a very comfortable guest room at our son's home, and are sleeping on air mattresses for another night.
Then our new Queen bed set will arrive for our new guest room at our new house, which we will use for the next six weeks...

It's been a rough week of moving and cleaning and I couldn't stop thinking about Lori's Parade block for the Vintage Block along.
I decided to cut it and sew it!

I borrowed a small spot on the desk, next to our twin computers.

The best of both worlds, sewing and grandchildren :)
Thank goodness for my new Project Wool pressing mat which takes up such a small amount of space and makes my blocks look so flat and wonderful!

Here's my completed block!
The yellow print that I would have liked to have used is packed, so I chose this "happy" orange print to take its place.

I'm looking forward to the next block.
Thanks for following :)

1 comment:

  1. Your block is gorgeous and I am so proud of you for not allowing your transit situation to limit your creativity, bravo!
