
May 27, 2019

Farm Girl Chicks

Remember in the last post, 
I told you that most of my sewing room is packed?
Well I was able to salvage two bins of projects.
The first is the Lori Holt "farmhouse" quilt that I work on at
Farm Girl Chicks, twice a month.
These are some of my chicks!
A couple of years ago, one of the chicks found these recipe book holders at Hobby Lobby.
Everyone ran there to buy their own and use them as pattern book holders.
They say "Farm Fresh" on them :)
(I'm in the back under the silo)

We only work on Lori Holt projects, but we can share any projects we've worked on recently.
Brenda and Susan are showing off their beautiful "Tilda" dolls.

Nedra made this beautiful Elizabeth Hartman quilt called
"Awesome Ocean", from a kit.
I want to make one now!!!

 Nedra also made a "plus" quilt from Cotton and Steel scraps.
I really want to make one like it too!

Nedra didn't have a big enough piece for the back, so she created her own :)
I think it's a great idea and tip!

Look at this beautiful Lella Boutique quilt!

Here's Brenda's Elizabeth Hartman "Penguin Party" quilt.
She backed it in flannel and didn't use any quilt batting.
It is very drapey and snuggly, a great idea!
I love the background too :)

Brenda designed the eyeglasses, so cute!

Nedra finished and sewed together all the blocks for her Lori Holt 
"Spelling Bee" quilt.
I've decided I'm going to make this at Farm Girl Chicks 
when I've finished "Farmhouse".
Nedra used "Blueberry Park" fabric by Karen Lewis, perfect!

This is Nancy, the creator and "heart" of our 
Farm Girl Chicks group.

Nancy made the "Checkerboard" quilt which can be found
in Lori Holt's Scrappy Project Planner.
It's gorgeous, so scrappy!

Here is a photo of my very bare sewing room :(
Yes, my fabric are in the cupboard and on the shelves in the closet, but all of my tools are temporarily packed.
I just need to buy a rotary cutter...
then I might be able to create something...sometime...

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you all the best with your move!! Loved seeing all the beautiful quilts and backing being made. It also makes me antsy to make some of these - today :)! Enjoy your group sewing time - so much fun!
