
Aug 27, 2018

"Tell me a Story" blocks

Amy Friend from the blog "During Quiet Time" is having a 
"Tell Me a Story" block swap, you can find more info here.
The deadline to sign up is August 31.
You fussy cut the inner block, and the borders help tell the story.
Here is the story for this block:
Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood went for a walk in the woods.  She saw the most beautiful little pink bird, sitting on a branch.  It was a magical bird.  Whenever it sang, little toad stools would burst through the earth on the ground below.  This made Little Red Riding Hood so happy.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy.  Lucy had a pet dog named Ginger and once a year on Lucy's birthday, they would go to the circus together.  They loved the clowns, the elephants and the bears!  Most of all, Lucy loved the bright colored balloons.

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Marie.  Marie had always longed to go to Paris and see the sights.  Once day a taxi whisked her away to see the Eiffel tower and the Louvre.  An artist painted her portrait along the Seine river and all of her dreams came true!

This quilt is going to be so much fun!
It's foundation paper piecing and really easy!
I hope you catch the fussy cutting bug and sign up :)


  1. Love your stories, along with each block!! I'm going to enjoy seeing your progress with this quilt - and each 'story block'!

    1. It will be a fun quilt, just not sure how to record all the stories!
