
Mar 12, 2018

Retro Mama's Notions Pouch

I think that Kim from Retro Mama designs the cutest things!
The moment I saw her little notions pouches, I was in love.

I bought her pattern and set to work, even though I had so many other things I should be doing!
I'm a sucker for cute things, including grandchildren :)

It's a funny thing, but when I use my scraps, the piles never get any smaller!
Notice all the delectable little strips of prettiness?
I cannot lie, I love fabric!

 I adore my little pouch!
I don't know what I'll use it for or who I'll gift it to, but I love it!

Here's another one, the possibilities of each little pouch are endless!

I bought the metal zippers just for this project.
Zipits is a great shop to purchase zippers, on Etsy.

Here's the inside of the pouch.
By the way, the zipper isn't difficult at all, and believe it or not, it's handsewn.

I highly recommend this pattern!
It's cute, fun, functional and feminine.
 I've got 3 others in the works, although I still have so many other things to do :)


  1. These are so cute - love all your embellishments. I too can relate to finding my scraps somehow multiply instead of disappearing, which can be a good thing too :)!

  2. I thought for sure you used all your abc fabric and then I see it again. It must be your signature fabric.
