
Jan 16, 2017

Doll Clothes

I have 10 grand daughters, and lucky for them, I enjoy sewing doll clothes :)  
Four of my grand daughters received an 18" doll for Christmas this year, along with a dress I made for them.
My doll Red Rose, is modeling a dress I made for Reagan's doll.
I know that Reagan really likes does Red Rose!

 I used the pattern on the top left for the purple dress.
This rectangle dress pattern is kind of interesting.
The McCall's pattern dresses have the same pattern pieces as regular clothes, just smaller.
The rectangle dress pattern is perfect for quilters.
You just measure and cut the pieces out with a rotary cutter.

I made this dress for Kylie's doll.

This is the dress I made for Kylie's sister, Neo's doll.

 I found Red Rose at her sewing machine!!! Lol

The rectangle dress pattern is easy, because you cut it up the back, press the seam back l/4" and sew the velcro onto the seam.
Pretty easy!
I don't know if you can tell, but I cut the length of velcro that I needed, and cut up the middle of it.
One length of velcro can be used for 2 dresses.

I always make the dress to match the accessory.

I forgot to take a photo of the dress I made for Lucy's doll...
I used leftover fabric from a dress she wore on Hallowe'en, a couple of years ago.
I asked her 9 year old sister Kennedy, if she would take a photo of Lucy's doll wearing the dress.
This is what her mom sent me!
Two dolls, one named Lucy and one named Dana :)

I also used McCall's 5554 for this dress, the lower right version.

Kennedy who is 9, is very lucky!
She's the oldest grand daughter by 3 years.
Since I had more time, I made her a complete wardrobe for her doll.
You can see it here.
I made quite a few clothes for my grand daughter Reagan too, for her 12" long baby doll.
You can see it here.
I repurposed some clothing for doll clothes too, see it here.
I see lots more doll clothes in my future!

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  1. These are all so cute! I was blown away by all of the lovely outfits - Wow! Loved the little video on a previous post! I used to make Cabbage Patch cloths for my daughter's dolls. I'll have to pull out those patterns and make some for my granddaughter's next birthday. (And here I thought I was done sewing 'Cloths') =)!

  2. You are so clever Cynthia, the dolls dresses are gorgeous. Lucky grand daughters.
