
Dec 12, 2016

Little Red Riding Hood, and a Doll Bassinet

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I made a doll bassinet for one of my grand daughters.
I've made a few of them, they're pretty easy to sew.
You can find the tutorial here.

I added a little "Merry Christmas" tag,  just because :)

I want to show you a close up of the fabric, it's so cute!
Pictured are Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Goldilocks, and the Three Little Pigs.

Here's Little Red.
I made her recently for another grand daughter.

 Little Red is a panel by Moda fabrics.
The panel has the doll, Mr. Big, a pillow and a quilt.
You just have to cut and stuff :)

I just love the little quilt!

I added a table, "PS. I Love You", my little grand daughter is named after me and she's pretty special :)
All of my grandchildren are special!

 I might get a photo on Christmas day.
If I do, I'll share it with you.
Have a fabulous week, hope you get all your Christmas sewing done :)

Dec 5, 2016

Coral, Queen of the Sea

This is Coral, Queen of the Sea!
I made her from a panel of fabric.
She is designed by Stacy Iset Hsu for Moda fabrics.

The panel comes with the front and back for the doll Coral, and little Sea horse, pillow, quilt, skirt and mermaid fins.
She's as precious as can be, all you have to do is stitch, stuff and assemble.
My grand daughter really wanted me to make Coral for her, but she doesn't know that I did :)

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