
Apr 4, 2016

Quilt and Art Show

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My mom and I entered our creations at our church's talent show.
My mother's name is Elizabeth, and she has the artist gene :)
She is a sculptor and a painter.  
She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Concordia when I was a young adult.
I was able to go to her graduation ceremony, it was very exciting!
In the center of the table, a little to the right, is her Anne of Green Gables.
Both of my parents are from Prince Edward Island, where the story of Anne takes place.
Mom  has sculpted over 500 Annes, and she uses the red clay from the South shores of PEI.
She doesn't use a mold, she sculpts them by hand, and uses some little tools.
The little girl wearing the Snow White dress is my 2 l/2 year old granddaughter, Lucy Jane.
She painted it for my daughter Lindsay, but I loved it so much that she painted one for me!
That's true love :)
The painting on the extreme right is my son Sean proposing to his girlfriend, Kari.
It's their wedding gift, but it's a surprise....shhhh!!!!

 My mom's talented in so many different ways.
When she was a teenager in the late 40's, she used to sing on the radio, like Patti Page.
She's also an excellent gourmet style cook.

I showed my quilts.
My Paper Doll quilt is one of my favorites, it's designed by Lori Holt.  
Lori only ever taught her appliqué quilts once, and I was fortunate enough to take three classes from her.  I could have taken some more, but had no idea what I could do with all the quilts!  
They are only worthy of being wall quilts, each and every block is sewn by hand, and there's lots of hand embroidery too.
To the left is my barn quilt, which is really scrappy and colorful :)

To the right is my Thanksgiving Dinner quilt, another Lori Holt appliqué quilt.
This one was easier because the pieces are much larger.
The other appliqué quilt I made is "The Comforts of Home", it's hanging on my wall at home for everyone to see.

I hope you've enjoyed my little art show!

Here's an addendum to last week's post about my Hazel Hedgehog baby quilt that I made for my granddaughter Taylor who was born on February 18.
You can see the post here.
Taylor received her quilt and burp pads and she loves it all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the stories and pics. What an achievement for your mom - she sculptures and paints so beautifully!! Your quilts are always so special - love the paper doll one especially! Your little/big Hedgehog quilt is soooo cute as is Taylor! I'm going to have to look into that cute Hedgehog quilt pattern.
