
Mar 21, 2016

A Toothfairy Envelope

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I asked my 5 year old granddaughter Neo, to draw a picture of the tooth fairy.
This is what she texted me :)

I drew the image onto fabric with a Pentel pencil and embroidered it, and added a triangle on top.

This is the back of the envelope, I sewed a little pocket for her to put her tooth into.

The envelope is for Neo to put her note to the tooth fairy.
The tooth fairy can write her back and put her note in the envelope too!

Neo was really excited when she received her envelope in the mail!
Even the tooth that she drew in her photo was in the tooth fairy's bag :)
It's a mystery what the tooth fairy does with all those teeth!!!

Neo hasn't tested out the envelope yet, we are waiting for her to lose her third tooth :)

1 comment:

  1. so precious...I love that you have the stitching detail like the drawing - even the feet!!!
