
Feb 1, 2016

Sunshine and Surf, Love Patchwork & Quilting

I really love this magazine, have you ever read it?
There is always a free gift that comes with it, and the quilts are modern with a traditional twist.
I know that my daughter Lindsay likes modern, so I searched my Love Quilting and Patchwork magazines to find a quilt that she would like.

Sunshine and Surf was the one I was looking for!
Lot of rectangles with low volume fabrics.
I cut strip after strip of black, aqua and red, and countless low volume ones, and sewed them together.

I sewed and cut for days!

I love the variety of low volume fabrics, I've been collecting them!

Look at this, a sea of rectangles.

I thought that this looked like a simple quilt to make, but it was pretty time consuming!

A modern quilt needs modern quilting, so I quilted the whole thing in a circle, 1" apart, using my walking foot.
I think it's called spiral quilting :)

It's a large lap quilt!
I decided to bind it in green, to throw off the color scheme.

Lindsay has four young children, and Bridger and Kennedy, are in 5th and 3rd grade, are in chinese immersion at school.
I didn't know if this fabric was Japanese or Chinese, they told me it was Chinese.
There is mathematical fabric for Jeremy, who is an engineer.
Snap fabric and Maker fabric for Lindsay who creates.

I spotted this fabric at the quilt shop and had to get it!!!

It had the cutest selvage along the bottom, so I just cut it off and sewed it towards the bottom of the quilt.

I love Cotton and Steel!

The selvage even has 2 little Panda bears on it, which my granddaughter Charlotte loves :)

Jeremy and Lindsay on Christmas morning, they love their quilt!
Mission accomplished :)

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  1. I love it! It turned out great, but I can see how time consuming it would be! Love your spiral quilting with your walking foot! You inspired me to take Jackie G's course on Craftsy. Have to pull out my walking foot and get started!

  2. Hi Cynthia. OMG, everything you create brings a smile to my face. I love this quilt. I've sort of lost my quilt mojo lately. My Mom passed away last month after a long battle with Alzheimers but maybe I'll get back to my quilting soon. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful project, so inspiring!
