
Nov 30, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage, Country Fair quilt

I posted about this "Country Fair" quilt a few weeks ago, when I finished the top.
My wonderful quilter/friend, Cindy Paulson, machine quilted it for me, and I just finished binding it.
These are my favorite blocks from the book "Farm Girl Vintage".

I love making star blocks, the one on the left is called "Autumn Star".
The "Scrappy Maple Leaf" block reminds me of Canada, my home and native land!
"Mama Hen" reminds me of two of my children who have chickens who lay eggs, but they're not golden :) Ha ha! 
"Canning Season" is a great block, I used to love canning when my children lived at home and I had a garden.

"Old Glory", because I became an American citizen seven years ago.
"Milking Day" reminds me of my daughter, because she owns a share in a cow named Patience.
She milks her once a week :)

"Scrappy Strawberry", I love a juicy red California strawberry!
"Penny Pig" is adorable, I made my granddaughter a couple of stuffed pigs for Christmas last year.
"Baking Day", I do a lot of that!
The blue bowl represents a beautiful blue Fire King bowl that my daughter Rebecca gave me for Mother's Day one year.
The green bowl represents Jadeite, my daughter Lindsay has quite a collection.
The "Simple Star" block is not that simple, I sewed a 6" postage stamp block in the middle.
I love the numbers background too :)

"Pie Cherries" is my husband's favorite pie and my favorite fruit.
"Woolly Sheep" was so cute, I just had to include him :)

See the gorgeous flower that Cindy quilted all over the quilt?

She's the best quilter!!!

I've always loved this Alexander Henry print, and it suits the Country Fair quilt perfectly!

I didn't have enough pear fabric for the back, so I added some Heather Bailey stripes which match the colors perfectly.
I really like scrappy backs too, don't you?

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