
Jun 29, 2015

Quilty Fun Birthday Cake - Bridger & Maisie

Bridger's birthday was on May 25th, I forgot to show you the birthday banner I made for him.
Bridger turned 10, so I made his on the masculine side, and he loves chocolate mint!

I machine quilted the cake with an outline stitch, and I used a free motion stipple stitch for the rest of the banner.
This is the first time I used a large dot for the border too.

I'm in love with the back, a vintage little boy and his dog, making a birthday cake!

Maisie will be 5 on July 7th.
I made her a strawberry cake with chocolate icing.
I took this photo at night, but it shows you how I do the letters, with Wonder Under.
I always have to remember to draw the letters backwards, and press the letters to the wrong side of the fabric.
Invariably I always make at least one mistake!

I just love this cake, and the pedestal is Cotton and Steel.

I used the "sprinkles" fabric for the border, and used a scrappy binding.

I used a "hand quilting stitch" on my machine when I outlined the cake.
I really like the look and may use it from now on.

I'm working on 2 more cakes which I need to finish this week.
How many more cakes do I need to make this year?
Let me see, 1 in August, 1 in September, 1 in October, 1 in November, 1 in January, and 1 in February.
That's 6 more.
I've made one for Charlotte, Paisley, Bridger and Maisie.
Eleven grandchildren and one daughter.
I wonder if any other daughters or daughters in law or sons or sons in law want a birthday banner....If you do, let me know :)

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Jun 22, 2015

Snapshots QAL - Triple Scoop Sundae

I finished Block 6, the Triple Scoop Sundae.
I like it, I really, really do!
I'm going to be honest and tell you that this is my second try at the block.

I originally made the block in different prints.
The ice cream drowned in the toppings, and the pistachio ice cream piece was too big (I guess) and it puckered.
Here it is....
Oh boy, I thought it would be pretty,'s going to my orphan block box :)
I like the cherry on top though!

The Snapshots QAL is sponsored by The Fat Quarter shop.
They suggest making a donation to St. Jude's Hospital.
I've pinned all the blocks on my Pinterest board here.
Here are the previous 5 blocks that I've made.

Next week, I hope to sew the camera block and add the trim and sashing.
Are any of you working on this quilt?
Leave me a comment and tell me where I can see your photos :)

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Jun 15, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage - Silo Barn Quilt

I love this Silo Barn quilt in the Farm Girl Vintage book, by Lori Holt.
It's on page 92, and measures 51 l/2" X 51 l/2".

I have seven silo barns from a Quilty Fun Barn sew along that Lori had a couple of years ago.
I decided to make this quilt.
It was pretty quick, considering I already had the barns already sewn :)

Mine's a lot busier than Lori's, but I really like it :)

The gingham border is from "Sew Cherry", Lori's first line of fabric.

I love my little quilt, I just have to get it machine quilted :)

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Jun 8, 2015

Farm Girl Vintage - Week 6

Hi Everyone :)
It's week 6 for Farm Girl Vintage Fridays.
I decided to make the Scrappy Haystack Sampler on page 133, because I have over a hundred Haystacks blocks that I've been sewing as leaders and enders.
The quilt requires 144 - 6" Haystack blocks, and 12 - 12" blocks.
I was on my way to sewing my favorite 12" blocks.
I quickly realized that it's a lot of fun participating in the QAL if I make all the blocks, so I'm also going to make the Farm Girl Sampler quilt.
I showed you Week 1 here.
These are the blocks from Week 2.
This is my Autumn Star Block.

Here's my Baby Chick Block.
I think she's really cute with the heart and her embroidered legs :)

Moving on to Week 3, here's my Baking Day Block, I love red and aqua in my kitchen!

This is my Butter Churn Block.
I'm also trying to use mostly Lori Holt fabrics.

Here is Week 4.
This Canning Season Block was really difficult to sew in a 6" size because the pieces were so little!
They look a little distorted, that's just because of my lack of "photo cropping" skills.
I have 2 jars of strawberries, one of cherries to make my husband his favorite cherry pie, a can of dill pickles, a can of orange marmalade made from our orange tree, and have you ever heard of canned cakes???

Here's my Chicken Foot Block.
I made this one a long time ago, when Lori was doing her Quilty Barn Alongs on her blog :)

Week 5 is my Churn Dash Block with a twist, a quilty little heart borrowed from the Baby Chick in Week 2.
I especially love this one!
The colors are bright and happy :)

Here's my Cool Threads Block, I'm not really crazy about the color I chose for the spools, there isn't enough contrast and it's a little dull.
I'm sorry for the puckers and the loose threads, but it's too late to take another photo.

I'm all caught up now, here's Week 6.
I love my Corn and Tomatoes Block, especially with the large "Sew Cherry" red gingham on the corners!
What a perfect name for this block, I had no choice but to sew it in red and yellow :)

Finally, there is the Country Crossroads Block.

These are all of my 12" and 6" Farm Girl Vintage blocks, so far.

Have you joined the Farm Girl Vintage QAL?  
It's so much fun posting on Instagram and seeing everyone else's blocks and how they've designed them :)
I'm beginning to wonder what I'm going to do with all my quilts?
I like to give them to family members, but don't really know if they need or want any more quilts.
I can't stop now, I have too much fabric in my stash, lol!
If you want to join the QAL, you can find the info here, on Lori's blog.

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Jun 1, 2015

Needlebook and tutorial

I love this little needlebook, it's the fifth one I've made :)
You can find the tutorial over here on my Random Tutorials board on Pinterest :)
The tutorial is by Amy, and this is her blog, Nana Company.
Amy is so creative, and she makes the cutest things with very fine details and handwork.
I personalized each one of my needle books, none of them are exactly alike.

You can see my other needle books here, here, here and here :)
(I hope I copied all the links correctly!)
I love the little peek a boo pieces.
Do you see Little Red Riding Hood on the top left?
I hand quilted around the squares with white perle cotton floss.

I used antique buttons, and I especially love the button I used for the closure.
The elastic is a hair elastic from a pack that I bought at Target.

I'm really sorry about the upside down photo...
I tried and tried but I couldn't get it to rotate.
Oh well, you get the idea!
Some sweet little heart pins, decorative buttons from Riley Blake, and decorative ribbons.

I'm definitely not finished making these little needle books.
I love them so much and the people I've made them for have cherished them :)
That's worth all of my time :)

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