
Apr 6, 2015

Snapshots QAL - kettle

This is block #3, Put the kettle on!
Bonnie from Cotton Way, chose this block to represent your favorite drink.
One of my favorites is Kombucha, have you ever tried it?
The Synergy brand in Gingerade and Gingerberry are my favorite flavors :)
Here's my kettle!
I am using all of Bonnie and Camille's fabrics for this quilt, but not much Daysail.
I had such a large collection of their fabric that I decided to use it instead of buying more :)
I'll just buy more of other lines, Ha ha!!!

These are the 3 blocks I've made so far...
Yes, I'm sticking to the red and aqua theme, one of my many favorite color combos!

The Snapshots QAL is a fundraiser to raise money for St. Jude's hospital.
A $5 donation is suggested, and the money goes to an incredible cause, helping sick children!
All of the information is on my Snapshots QAL board on Pinterest.
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  1. It's cute!! Mine will be the same color scheme..but I'm getting behind! I need to get caught up this month, not sure it'll happen cuz we are leaving for a week but maybe when I get home again! I don't like feeling like I'm playing catch up but that seems to be the case lately! I am however finishing my ironing board cover today!! :)

  2. Your blocks are very pretty in aqua and blue. I highly favor the teapot.

  3. I love them all, Cynthia! The red print on the teakettle has always been a favorite. (And what's up with your spammers here? Go away spammers!)
