
Mar 16, 2015

Rag dolls and Quilted Storage Boxes

Amazingly, my husband and I have 11 grandchildren now!!!
We have 2 grandsons and 9 granddaughters.
I was thinking about what I could get them for a little Easter gift.
I was looking through my magazines and found an adorable little doll pattern in this magazine, it's Issue Eleven.

Look how cute she is!!!

I made my first one for a granddaughter who loves purple.
She took a while to make, I'd say about 3 hours.
I decided to make them all at once instead of one at a time.
I thought that would make me feel like I was getting more done, and it did!

This is what the hair looks like before the head's sewn together.
I just sewed the felt hair onto the flesh colored broadcloth, and sewed lines down each one to look like strands of hair.

These are all the dress pieces, I chose each color and print according to each girl's likes and personality.

I was thinking about making each little doll a quilt...but then I remembered the quilted storage baskets in this book.
I thought the fabric basket would be better, because I could make 11 of them, including one each for the grandsons.
The baskets could be like a bed for the little dolls, and the boys could use theirs for storage.
I wrote a tutorial on the baskets here.

I made the baskets with my 3 l/2" wide scraps.
This saved me a lot of time, because the strips were already cut.

I worked really hard every spare moment I had, and finally completed my little dolls in about 10 days.
They look like their watching a movie or something, lol!!!

This little doll is for Reagan Clara, she's 4 years old.
 Her favorite color is purple and she has blonde hair.
I made her basket out of prints, and there are all sorts of peek-a-boo  designs.
There's a dog, a bird, Little Red Riding Hood, an elephant, and so on...

This is Kylie Violet, she's 2 years old.
Kylie loves pink and anything pretty and feminine.
I made her basket in pink and mint green, to match her dress.
Every doll has some of the fabric from her dress, in the basket.

This is Kennedy Grace, she's 7 years old.
Kennedy's favorite color is green, so I made her a green basket.

This is Maisie Louise, she's 4 years old.
Maisie loves pink and purple.
 I used a Mary Engelbreit print for her dress and her basket is pink.
Maisie has a cat named Abby, so I used a Japanese print with cats and birds for the lining.

This is Neo (nay-oh) Kimberley, she's 4 years old.
Neo's favorite color is purple, so the doll and the basket are purple.
I don't have very much purple fabric, so this was a challenge!

This is Lucy Jane, she's 1 l/2 years old.
She's a cute little blonde toddler, so I made her doll and basket in soft  pinks.

This is Isabel Louise, she's 1 month old :)
She has no idea what she likes, so I made her doll and basket in Heather Ross fabrics to match her baby blanket and burp pads.
You can see her baby quilt here.

This is Paisley Louise, she's 10 months old :)
Paisley also doesn't know what she likes yet, so I gave her doll an orange dress and basket.
I really love orange, it's a happy, bright color.
The lining of Paisley's basket is a cute little Japanese print that I hope she will enjoy looking at.

This is Charlotte Leigh, she's 4 years old.
A lot of people have said that this is their favorite doll :)
Charlotte loves strawberries, so there are strawberries on her doll's dress and her basket is pink.

This basket is for Benjamin, he's 2 years old.
His bedroom is decorated in red and aqua, so those are the colors that I sewed his basket. 
The lining is a Japanese print with lots of cars.
I'm putting some Matchbox cars in his basket.

Last but definitely not least, is Bridger, who is 9 years old.
He is our first grandchild.
Bridger is getting a selection of Artemis Foul books in his basket.
He's also getting a copy of the book Wonder.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing all of my projects, they are a labor of love.
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  1. Oh Wow Cynthia!! These dolls and baskets are so cute and special. Love them all! What a special, special Easter gift to all your grandchildren. A real labor of love!

  2. Fabulous grandma you are. Adorable pattern great colors and most of all love in each creation. Awesome.

  3. These are such cute and special dolls and baskets, Cynthia. It made me happy scrolling through all these photos!

  4. Oh Cynthia, these are just adorable! I'm so far behind on reading my fav blogs. Seeing all these pics made me smile. You are one creative Grandma! Happy first day of Spring to you.

  5. What an ambitious endeavor! They are all adorable. Boy, talk about staying focused!
