
Dec 15, 2014

Doll Bedding

My son is making my little 4 year old grand daughter, a bunk bed for her dolls.
I am making the bedding :)
Isn't this the cutest photo of my Red Rose reading a book? Lol!

Little Boo is listening to the story too.
(This is the other side of the above quilt)

Red Rose is an 18" doll and she fits the mattress perfectly.

I made 2 pillows and 2 mattresses, they're both reversible.

I made 2 quilts, and this is a photo of both of them, front and back.

I had so much fun making these gifts!!!

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  1. Everything is just adorable Cynthia! Your granddaughter will love it I'm sure!

  2. She is one lucky, lucky girl. Such beautiful bedding!

  3. Such sweet creations for a doll them all!

  4. Oh I love these...missed the post earlier! Just saw the one on Insta. Cute bedding! and I bet the bunk beds turned out cute as well. I might have to stop and make a few things for my niece...she loves playing dolly. I really love making dolly things too and haven't done it in ages. I bet your granddaughter loved them! What did they think of the piggies!!! I bet they loved them as well. :) Have a fun day!
