
Nov 5, 2014

Pabvlova, an Australian dessert

I love meringue cookies, and this dessert is so much better!
You beat 3 egg whites in the electric mixer until they form stiff peaks.
Then you gradually add a cup of sugar with a tablespoon of cornstarch.
On a parchment paper lined pan, I spread a circle of meringue and then piped the rest of the meringue to form a bowl shape.
You bake it at 300 degrees F for one hour, turn off the heat and leave it in the oven for another 30 minutes.
I added homemade whipped cream in the center and added strawberries.
You could add whatever type of berry you like :)
The Pavlova makes a great presentation for invited friends or family, and it isn't difficult at all.
You don't even have to pipe a bowl, just make a cake shape and decorate the top with berries and whipped cream.

I love Pinterest and have pinned so many recipes.
I decided to create a board called "Tried it, loved it!".
You can find this recipe on my Pinterest board here.

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