
Nov 10, 2014

Hallowe'en 2014

I want to remind you to hop over to 2 blogs today, to continue the "Around the World" blog hop.
Read more about Renee @ Sewn with Grace,
and Cristina @ Pretty Little Quilts.
I can hardly wait to see what they have to say! 

I spent Hallowe'en away from home, with my children and grandchildren as I have done for the past few years.
I always have so much fun enjoying the festivities with them!
I want to show you their costumes.
The first is my daughter Lindsay's family.
Keep in mind that all of her photos were taken by a professional :)
Lindsay made each of her children's costumes, and didn't use a pattern!

 This is Bridger, he's 9 l/2 years old, and he dressed up as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
If you put a sheet of paper over one half of the photo, you can see how well he stayed in character!
Half is deformed and the other half is normal :)

Charlotte is 4 l/2 years old, and she's Minnie Mouse!

Lucy Jane is 14 months old, and she is Baby Sleeping Beauty.
She never, ever tried to take her bonnet off!

Kennedy is 7 years old, and she dressed up as Maleficent!!
Her makeup is perfect and she has the perfect face for the character.
Notice her sinister raven :)

Poor baby, Maleficent is out to get her!!!

Lindsay used a ski hat as the base for Maleficent's head dress.
She sewed the horns and stuffed them and added something to keep them from flopping around.  
She added some ribbon layering on the forehead to create a widow's peak.

Lindsay inserted wire in the collar as she sewed it so that the collar would stand up.

Here's the group, each in character :)

Next, is my daughter Rebecca's 2 children.
Maisie is 4 years old, and she is Astrid, the viking from "How to Train your Dragon".
Benjamin is 2 years old, and he is "Toothless" from the same movie.
Rebecca made both of their costumes, she did a fabulous job as well :)

This is Benjamin sitting on his dad's shoulders.
His costume is made of felt, and he has a long tail that is stuffed.

 Maisie's headband is suede, and Rebecca put some metal decorations in it.
Notice the armor?
It's fun foam that was shaped around a bowl and heated in the microwave to stay in shape, and decorated with silver puffy paint.
Rebecca also made each one of the skulls. 

Next, is my son Addison's family.
His wife made their daughters' costumes :)
Neo just turned 4 years old, she is a black cat!

I love the play acting!!!

Kylie is 22 months old, and she wanted to be a witch.
A pretty cute witch, I'd say :)
It looks like the witch in the background isn't so nice...

Last but definitely not least, is my son Jordan's family.
My daughter in law Kim, made her girls their costumes also.
First I'll show you this photo from Disney's "Jake and Pirates of the Caribbean".
Notice the girl, her name is Izzy, and the little boy with the blue bandana is named Cubby.

Reagan will be 4 years old this week.
She is dressed up as Izzy.
Kim didn't use a pattern, she just traced a shirt onto the fabric and sewed it up!

 Izzy (Reagan) is with her pal, Cubby (aka Paisley Louise, 5 months old).

 Isn't Paisley the cutest?
She is so chubby and when she smiles, her eyes light up!
She's the chubbiest "Cubby" I've ever seen!!!
That's why I wanted to show you the cartoon, so you could appreciate what you're looking!

Well, thank you for letting me brag about my daughters and daughters in law's creative talents :)
Also, all 10 of my grandchildren are represented!
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  1. Very creative costumes! I especially like the first one :) Looks like everyone had a great Halloween.

  2. You all are so talented and the kids are just adorable!!

  3. Your grandchildren are beautiful, and your daughter/in-laws are exceptionally talented at costume design! Loved these pictures!
