
Nov 14, 2014

3 things off my bucket list!

To tell you the truth, I don't have a bucket list....
but if I did, these 3 things would be on it!
My daughter Lindsay asked me if I would dress up as the school mascot, a red dragon named "Fireball", for the school assembly.
I only did it because she asked me
That's me, underneath that suit, and I could hardly see a thing.
There were just two little peep holes in the eyes.

I did some dancing, some jiggling around and a lot of clapping and thumbs up.
This is my granddaughter Kennedy, she's in second grade.
On the other side of me is her sister Charlotte who's 4 years old.
Charlotte held my hand the entire time and that really helped me keep from falling over!

This is Bridger, one of my grandsons, he's in 4th grade.
He was really proud and announced to his class before the assembly, that "Fireball" was his grandmother :)
Charlotte is standing next to him.
Without giving away too much information, let me just say that the mascot outfit is sweltering inside!!!!

 I'm a city girl and I milked a cow!!!
This is "Patience", and this is a flattering photo of her.

My daughter Rebecca owns l/14th of a cow.
She gets to milk it once a week and on this particular evening, I helped her!
This is the end of Patience that isn't so flattering...
I didn't really want to touch her, but Rebecca talked me into it.
I had a really disgusted look on my face so she told me to smile :)
It took us 20-30 minutes, with Rebecca on one side and me on the other but Patience gave us about 3 gallons of very rich milk.

My granddaughter Maisie was a big help!
She stood next to me and gave me lots of confidence as I milked Patience.
Notice the mountain silhouette in the background :)

My son is a police officer, and I went on a "ride along" with him from 9:30 at night til 1:30 in the morning.
I got out of the car with him on the calls but had to stay in the car when he pulled someone over, because statistically, that is the most dangerous part of the job.
I saw lots of sad things, people who didn't have much happiness or hope in their lives.

Well, that's it, 3 things off my bucket list, pretty exciting!!!post signature


  1. WOW - proud of you for all these fun endeavors, bucket list or not! Bet those things sure broke the every day monotony! Not sure I could do the cow milking! LOL

  2. Cynthia! You made my day! I couldn't stop laughing at this post! First the mascot costume (you are TOO good!), then the cow milking. You ate a great mom and a greater grandmother! Brave to go on the ride along too. Police officer's jobs are not easy and a worry to family members. We have a few in the family (including my sister in the RCMP) and they all have my great respect. Thanks for a good laugh today!
