
Aug 18, 2014

Scrappy Cross Roads

I made two scrappy cross roads blocks a few weeks ago, you can see them here.
I have a scrap bin with 2 l/2" wide scraps in it, grouped by color.
It wasn't as time consuming to make a block, I already had lots of 
2 l/2" squares, or 2 l/2" strips that I could cut into squares :)
I made 2 more blocks, making a total of 4 which equalled a beautiful square!
It was so much fun using all of my happy scraps.
The color combinations are endless.
I'm thinking of making one of my daughters a blue one to go on her dining room table.

I had enough squares cut out to make a 5th block.
Wouldn't this make a beautiful quilt?
I think I will make a mini quilt from my 5th square :)

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  1. Love your Crossroads blocks. The mint background fabric really sets off the rest of the fabric pieces. I had such fun making my crossroads table runner. It sits on our Master Bedroom Dresser top.

  2. Love everything about this! (on my to-do list)

  3. Love your minty background! It has that perfect vintage look!
