
Apr 4, 2014

Tee Shirt Quilt, finished top!

I wondered what I could do to brighten up the border on this quilt.
I love, love, love red in a quilt, and I also love stars.
I decided to make four Kona red stars with white backgrounds to sew into the four corners of the quilt.
I think they're bright and beautiful!

I needed 2 people to hold up this quilt, but my husband was the only one available :)
Even though the stars at the top of the quilt aren't completely visible, you get the idea. 
I love the effect of the bright red stars in the corners, it makes the reds in the quilt pop.
Now I have to quilt it.
My machine will be able to handle it, but will I?
I've only ever machine quilted baby quilts before, but I never had my Bernina 750 QE then.
This is a full size quilt.
It may take a little over a week to complete, but I'll be sure and show you the results.
Stay tuned.....

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  1. Wow - you did wonderful job of this quilt! My daughter keeps wishing for a quilt from all of her T-shirts, but I'm not sure I'm ready to attempt such a project. Maybe I'll show her this and we BOTH steal away to the sewing room and make a joint effort on such a project.
    Yours is beautiful!

  2. You are right the stars in the corner made the quilt that much better.
