
Apr 16, 2014

My missionary son comes home today!

I haven't been able to get much sewing done lately, because.....
we are having a very exciting time around our house today!
Our son has been serving a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
He wrote his favorite scripture on our chalkboard before he left, and I kept it there and wrote new designs underneath.
This is to celebrate his homecoming.
He will arrive today in the early evening, after over 24 hours of travel!
He will be hungry and exhausted, and very emotional.
It must have been heartbreaking to say goodbye to some of the people he has grown to love....I got emotional myself, when I thought about it.
When he left us 2 years ago, he knew he would see us again.
When he left his loved ones in Brazil, he knew he may never see them least in this life.
He is traveling home with at least 7 other missionaries.
They will be laughing and sleeping and talking in Portuguese about their experiences and what they want to do when they get home.
I am busy making posters, getting American flags pressed, ordering balloons and trying to keep busy until we go to the airport.
Our hearts are full as this part of our lives come to a close.
We were only able to speak to him via Skype 3 times, and emailed each other every Monday.
Now I will be able to put my arms around him, and talk to him in person and hear his stories and get some of my silly unanswered questions answered!
Even though we missed him, it was so worth it!!!
Only my husband and I will be at the airport, we were the only ones at his departure.
We are having a reunion with our 6 children and 9 grandchildren, at the beginning of May, for a week.
We will all enjoy that reunion too.
I will post photos of Sean's homecoming on Friday :)

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