
Apr 9, 2014

Easter Bags tutorial

I made 9 little Easter bags for 9 little grandchildren!

The little doggie one is for my 8 year old grandson.
It's sort of girly with the pleated band, I hope he likes it.
This will be the last year I will be able to give him a gift like this! 

I made a few of them a little different, but the fabric was so cute and "Easter" looking, that I used the same fabric for the rest of the 8 bags.  
7 are for girls and 1 is for my little 1 l/2 year old grandson.
He can carry his cars around in it, and won't be embarrassed at all!

It's so much fun choosing fabric for a project, especially when you have a good selection in your stash!
Isn't the puppy fabric lining cute?
I'm sure my 8 year old grandson won't want his friends to see his bag when they come over to play Legos!!!  Ha ha!

Here is the link to the tutorial on my Pinterest.
The bag was designed by Kim Walus for Moda Bake Shop.
It's really quick and easy to make, once you figure out the little trick about the lining.
The bag's about 6" tall, by 7" wide.

I'm going to fill the bags with goodies and send them off to 4 homes.
I won't be able to spend Easter with them, as well as most holidays and birthdays, but hopefully they know I love them and think of them always!
That includes Grandpa too :)

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  1. What lovely Easter Bags - they are so cute and special. Your 8 yr. old grandson will feel treasured along with the rest - you just wait and see!

  2. The bags are adorable!! Where can I find the fabric with the little ducks & elephants if it is still available?

  3. Cynthia, those are so cute! Such a sweet Grandma you are....
