
Mar 21, 2014

Thimble Baby Qullt, WIP

I was on my iPad a couple of weeks ago and saw a notification that my daughter in law pinned this quilt on Pinterest.
You can find it here.
Her baby, our 10th grand daughter, is due on May 20th.
I have been wondering what kind of quilt to make her for the baby, and I got my answer! Ha ha!

I bought Lori Holt's Thimble ruler a few months ago and have been looking for an excuse to use it.
I have also been using Lori's method of stash organization and have accumulated a lot of 5" squares.  

I painstakingly cut out all of these thimble shapes, in softer hues.
I love the scrappy look :)

I sewed them all together.
I am looking for the perfect "minky" to back it with.
Should I quilt it a straight outline stitch, or an all over stipple or swirl?
Don't forget to keep in mind that I will be using minky for the back.
I'm a little worried about it, but have been reading some tutorials and they say to use spray glue to keep the layers together.

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  1. I have those rulers, too, and I really needt to put them to use! An overall swirl might add a nice contrast to the angular lines. Sorry that I can't help with the basting issue since I send my tops out to a longarmer.

  2. That is absolutely adorable! I love that it's not super babyish - she'll be able to use that for years to come. I can't believe you have 10 granddaughters - no boys?!?

    p.s. I need to pick up one of those tools - that looks like it makes things SO easy!
