
Mar 14, 2014

Tee Shirt Quilt, WIP

I'm still working on this quilt for Sean :)
You can see my first post about this quilt here.
I had hoped to be further along that this, but I have been working on other projects.
I am a procrastinator when it comes to difficult things!
I appliquéd Sean's soccer number to some Kona fabric to replicate his soccer jersey.
Now I am squaring it to 12 l/2".

This is the top row of the quilt.
The two #32's are his "home" and "away" soccer game shirts.
I added a little bit of quilty color to the left of the Vikings :)
Those blocks are the leaves that I didn't like from the "Quilty fun Sew Along".  
I put them to good use :)  Ha ha!
I have a small box of "orphan blocks".
The purple and white arrow to the right of the white Vikings are some half square triangles that were left over from my grand daughter Kylie's wall hanging I made for her over a year ago.

These cougar and BYU embroideries used to be on a knit beanie.
I just cut around them and topstitched them to navy blue fabric.

We are moving this weekend, only a few blocks away :)
I am going to try and get this top sewn together today.
Wish me luck!

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