
Feb 10, 2014

Sweet Pouch Swap

I found "Sew Delicious" through Instagram, somebody I follow posted about her Sweet Pouch Swap.
Whoever wants to sign up can, Ros from Sew Delicious said that she'll have another swap sometime later this year.
The deal is to make a cute little zipper pouch and fill it with sweet treats for your partner on the other side of the world :)
My swap partner is Tracie Bailey, she lives in Australia!
She's a sweet young mother of an adorable little 2 year old girl.
We have become friends and we follow each other on Instagram.
I chose the "quilt as you go" method for my pouch.

I auditioned an orange and a blue zipper.  Hmmmmm.......

I chose the blue zipper, but now I have to decide which shade!
So many choices.....I like the darker one.

These are the backs of the quilted panels.

I like it!

Another angle....

....and the other side :)

This is the bottom of the pouch.

The orange lining is really happy :)

This is a representation of the most American candy I could think of.
I packed it in the smallest box I could find and took it to the post office.
The cost to mail the Sweet Pouch to Australia was $60!
I took the parcel home, opened it and took out the candy until it weighed 13 oz. 
I felt badly, having put so much thought into what to buy.

Tracie told me she really likes jellies.
I was able to keep the Jelly Bellies, Skittles and M&M's.
I also sewed a piece of Little Red Riding Hood ribbon onto the pouch and still paid $25 to send it off to Australia.

I was prepared to spend that much and am looking forward to Tracie's response to the pouch and the candy.

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1 comment:

  1. Very "sweet"!! Tracie will love it all. I like your idea of a patch-y pouch! Thanks for sharing.
