
Jan 15, 2014

Quilty Fun Sew Along, Week Nine

I have two things that I really look forward to on Monday morning.
First, is the email from my son in Brazil, and second is Lori's "Quilty Fun Sew Along".
This week, the block is quarter square triangles.
I chose my fabrics carefully, making sure I have some of every color with the same values.

I'm now the proud owner of this 6" X l/2" ruler.
It's so much more efficient to use this 6" ruler, just place it on the center of the square diagonally and draw a line on both sides.

I love my new sewing machine, it sews like a dream!
I never have to touch the presser foot, and the thread cuts itself automatically.  

I lay all my quarter square triangles next to each other, making sure that the same prints aren't next to each other.

There are four separate sections on the quilt where these blocks will be sewn.

My blocks are all complete!  
Stay tuned for more of my quilty fun sampler next week :)

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1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! You have a dream machine... No touching the pressed foot AND it cuts your thread ? WOW! I really like using that omnigrid little ruler too!
