
Nov 6, 2013

Reagan's Princess Dress

We have four grand daughters who were born within 7 months of each other.
Reagan is the youngest, she will be turning 3 in a couple of weeks.
I made her a princess dress for her birthday, purple is her favorite color.
It was a little difficult to find purple fabric that I really loved.
This fabric is sheer, and is variegated with pink and accented with sparkly stars and confetti dots.
I sewed a trim of lavender flowers onto the neckline to add some interest.

I lined all the sheer fabric with purple satin and sewed a peblum at the waist.

There are three layers of lavender tulle under the sheer skirt and on top of the purple satin.
I think it will make a swishing sound when Reagan walks, like a real princess!

Reagan's parents are going to skype with us when she opens the dress so that I can see her reaction.
Isn't she the cutest?

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