
Nov 11, 2013

My Fabric Scraps

My scraps have been growing and growing and growing!
I had a large box for large scraps and a large box for small scraps.
Now the scraps are overflowing and this photo is only a sampling of what has been accumulating.
I was reading Lori Holt's blog and she has a great and efficient way of storing her scraps, you can read about it here.

I decided to organize my scraps Lori's way and went to quite a few stores to find the perfect storage container!
After going to about five stores, I finally found some at Target for approximately $2.79.
I took them home and pulled out my cute Martha Steward chalk labels that I had bought a few months ago at Staples.

I cut my fabric into 3 l/2", 2 l/2" and l l/2" strips and squares.
It took a few days to cut all those strips, sore shoulders from bending over while cutting, but now I've got all the scraps cut and organized, excluding the ones in the two large boxes.  
This photo shows the three boxes and a top view of how organized all the fabric is! 
I have since cut more scraps and the baskets are a little fuller.
I made my "apples" blocks after I did this organizing and it was just so easy to choose some fabrics from the little piles in their containers.
The containers have lids so that I can stack them. 
That will be really helpful since I've run out of shelving! LOL
My fabric stash is expanding :)
The amount of scraps I had after cutting the strips was astounding!

The great thing about all of these scraps, is that I get to throw them away!!!  Yeah! 
 They are all less than l l/2" wide.  
If your scraps are overtaking your sewing area, I encourage you to look into this method of organizing.
Happy Sewing!


  1. The hearts of string piecers and EPP miniature piecers are breaking! Those scraps still have worth!

  2. String quilts!! If you don't want them, ask and see if someone else wants them. =)

  3. I've never heard of a string quilt. I read about this on lori's blog too and I dug into some scraps I had accumulated . It's so smart and neat. I love the organized scraps. It will be a real timesaver when you're looking for a certain piece.
