
Oct 7, 2013

Lucy's Smocked Bonnet

I've been working non stop on Lucy's bonnet.
I watched a lot of TV this weekend, so I smocked while I watched.

I smocked diamonds with little flowerettes in the middle.
Isn't the lace beautiful?  
It's 100 % cotton French lace, very delicate

The bonnet will look so much cuter on Lucy head.
The back gathers up, and some of her hair will peek through :)

I used a silky ribbon for all the smocking stitches.
It adds texture and a soft sheen.
I used ecru silk satin ribbon.

I bought this ribbon once at an heirloom supply shop when I lived in the South.
I have no idea what brand it is, and don't know if I'll ever find any more.
The online shops that sell heirloom shops don't have the best selection.

This is the 7th bonnet I've made in 6 years :)
I have 7 grand daughters, and have made one for each of them.
I made heirloom blessing outfits for my two grandsons as well, but I didn't make them bonnets!

My daughter Lindsay texted this photo of Lucy to me.
She and her husband were on a date.
I just know that Lucy is dreaming about how angelic she'll look in her blessing gown and bonnet :)
More photos to come!

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  1. Your heirloom sewing is beautiful! I loved looking at the pictures. I love doing heirloom sewing but I have a hard time finding supplies. Can't wait to see both the dress and bonnet completed!

  2. Ugh!! That's from lindsay-- not Lois. NO idea why it says that!!
