
Sep 16, 2013

North State River Run Shop Hop

I really wanted to go on this quilt shop hop last year, but my daughter's little boy was born the night before.  
He was eight weeks early, so I flew to Utah the next morning and helped her by looking after her then two year old little girl.
Rebecca's little boy Benjamin just turned one year old.
I went to five quilt shops this afternoon.
Look at this!  A quilt of Audrey Hepburn!
I think it's gorgeous!

Apparently, you can make a quilt from a photograph.

Isn't this quilt beautiful?
I love the ominous sky with the lightning bolts!

I'm not interested in making one of these quilts myself, but they are works of art!

This quilt shop was in Auburn, and their theme was
 "Breakfast at Tiffany's".
I loved their theme decor!

Cute little cupcakes!

I went to a really sweet quilt shop in Grass Valley.
They had so many bolts of fabric, that half of them were stacked up on the floor.
I've never been to that town before, it was old fashioned.
 I want to go back with my husband and look around a little.

I saw another quilt that was designed from a photograph.
As you can see, it was sewn with patchwork squares.

Tomorrow I'm going to finish up the quilt shop hop.
I'll have more photos for you :)
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1 comment:

  1. How fun !!! There's one in Kansas in October that I'd like to do with my mom:)
