
Jun 14, 2013

Riley Blake Mystery Block of the Month - May

I have a box full of selvages, I love them!

This is the first time I have sewn with them.

It was so much fun choosing which ones to use :)

Making a selvage quilt is on my to do list.

I made this block 3 times!
The first time, my block wasn't big enough.
I didn't print the pattern (actual size), and that ruined the dimensions.
The third time was a charm!

Here are the rest of my blocks, there will be 9 in all.

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  1. I just love the little spools! How adorable!

  2. I have bags and bags full of selvages. I keep thinking that someday I am going to play with them. Love your idea of a spool.

  3. I never even THOUGHT to do ANYTHING with selvages.. I'm learning so much!
