
May 20, 2013

Bee in my Bonnet Row Along, Outer Border

I have Lori's "row along" tutorial on my ipad. 
I followed the instructions very closely and cut out all the pieces for  my outer border. 
 Isn't the pink fabric with yellow polka dots cute?
I think it adds a warmth to the quilt.

I sewed 46 little white squares onto 46 polka dot squares.

Then I sewed 46 more little white squares onto the other corner of 
the same 46  polka dot squares.

There are 92 white squares sewn onto two corners of 
46 polka dot squares.
Wow, that was a lot of chain sewing!

46 blocks, all trimmed and pressed.

Voila, my finished quilt top!
It was really difficult to capture it on film because it's so big!
I am so happy to have finally finished it :)
I have an appointment with my favorite long arm quilter in July.
My quilt will be even more beautiful then!

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  1. Beautiful! It will be just stunning when it's quilted. Nice job!

  2. Oh my goodness, I love that border fabric. It sets off the rest of the quilt. Can't wait to see it quilted.

  3. It is stunning. really really STUNNING. Your border was perfect. Your quilt lays straight. not like mine ....Love it. Smart to put the directions on the ipad, I didn't think about that.

  4. Every one of these I have seen looks great. Love how your border looks.

  5. This is a really pretty quilt! The border tops it off, perfect choice xxx
