
Apr 15, 2013

Kylie's Blessing Day

Kylie looks like a precious little pioneer baby!

This is Kylie's family :). My son Addison, my daughter in law Mabulane, and her big sister, 2 year old Neo. Aren't they a beautiful family?

My mother is visiting from Montreal, we were all really happy that she was able to be in attendance at our family activity!

My husband flew here just for Kylie's blessing :)

I am pretty happy today!

Look at Kylie's beautiful head of hair, it is so soft!

Kylie is so pretty! She smiles a lot but I wasn't able to capture any smiles!

I love this photo of Kylie, it shows off her big brown eyes.
She looks so cute in her slip with her little chubby baby arms.
She is the most cuddly baby to hold.
I sure will miss all of my precious grandchildren, I live a nine and a half drive away.

We took my mother's photo with all of her great grandchildren, except for Kylie who was sleeping.
Aren't grandchildren grand!!!


  1. You have such a beautiful family, Cynthia! And Kylie looks like an angel in the blessing dress you made for her. What a sweet baby. I especially loved the picture of the two of you together.

  2. Oh the dress turned out beautiful and what a beautiful baby and family.

  3. Thos photos put such a smile on my face. They are so wonderful.

  4. You are a lucky grandmother! The grandchildren all look adorable. The blessing ensemble you made Kylie is exquisite! So perfect for such a little angel. I am so glad that I checked back here to see if the dress was finished. Bravo!
