
Mar 18, 2013

Sewing Room Inspiration

I have been really busy lately with life, and am almost finished smocking Kylie's blessing dress.  I will show you my progress soon:)
I surround myself with things that inspire me in my sewing room.
Today, I am going to show you some of those things....
and none of them include fabric!!!

My son Sean is serving a 2 year church mission in Brazil.
He wanted to pack his "Woody", but I snuck it out of his trunk so that I would have a physical reminder of him in my sewing room!
Isn't he cute?  He talks and when you take his hat off, he says, "Wait just a second, something's missing, my hat!" 
When you put his hat back on his head he says, 
"Well thank you kindly.  A cowboy ain't a cowboy without his cowboy hat."

My collection of Nancy Drew books with a cool stallion book end.

My music box sewing machine that plays "Buttons and Bows".
The wheel moves around and the pedal goes up and down.
My mother gave it to me :)

My twine collection and roll of 100 wish tickets. 
It says, "If I had a hundred wishes I would give them all to you."

Favorite photos, washi tape and a sculpture my mother made.
I just noticed that in the photos, I'm a little girl, a bride and a grandmother.  I guess I skipped the "mom" phase......Lol!

My daughter Lindsay made me this twinkly star years ago.
I always put it in a prominent place to remind me of her :)

This is a beautiful poem about a quilter.
My dear friend Joni wrote the poem and gave it to me for my birthday.  The mat is covered with an antique hand pieced quilt.

Here is a closer look at the poem so you can read it.

This is a piece of doll furniture I had when I was a little girl.

A cute little Boyds bear in one of my Anthropologie bowls.

This is my button collection.  The three bottles on the left are filled with antique buttons.  The BYU milk bottle is full of buttons I have been collecting for over 40 years.  

Old spools that I embellish with some favorite trims.

A little sewing box filled with old treasures.

I especially love the red and blue buttons :)

You can never have too much rick rack, that is what I keep telling myself!

These are just some of the treasures that inspire me in my sewing room.

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  1. Oh, my goodness! What a fabulous and inspirational room!

  2. Your treasures make me want to weep a little they are so beautiful. The woody is so cute there. Very touching. If you could come to my house and organize my treasures like that I would love it!!! :-) Your room is great.
