
Mar 27, 2013

I Left My Heart..... San Francisco
My mother is visiting from Montreal, Canada.
We went to San Francisco for two days, a city she has always wanted to visit.
We took an incredible 3 l/2 hour bus tour around the city, and saw all sorts of fantastic and maybe some not so fantastic sights!
The city's Chinatown is the largest outside of Asia.
I thought it was interesting that in the middle of the city, people hang their laundry out of their windows to dry!

We drove through Haight Asbury and saw these fantastic legs hanging out of the window.  Look at the beautiful ornamentation on the eaves :)

We saw the famous "painted ladies".  The yellow house is shown in the TV show "Full House".

I have been to the city many times but have never driven across the Golden Gate bridge before :)

The view of San Francisco was beautiful from the other side of the bridge.  It was really cold and very windy.

On our way to another spectacular view, we drove past Twin Peaks.  I wonder if that is where the TV show got its name?


After the bus tour, we went to Fisherman's Wharf and saw the sea lions bathing in the sun.  Luckily, it was too windy to smell them because they stink!

On our way to dinner, my mom and I stopped at a store to look around.

Wild prawns and scallops, yum!

Hope you enjoyed my photos of San Francisco! 
My mom arrived two weeks ago and we have been sightseeing and shopping ever since :)
I try to sew on Kylie's blessing dress whenever I can!  Stay tuned...

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  1. You are making me homesick! I was raised just south of the city, and my family is still there. Hope to get back this summer.

  2. Wonderful! I have been to SF once and I loved it! My first 5k was run over that bridge!

  3. Oh my gosh I'm so jealous. That was one of my favorite vacations. The food was so good there I can't tell you. I loved your pics. Especially the painted ladies. I grew up in a home like that. Sadly the area has gone down hill and they haven't taken care of my painted lady in PA. Makes me sad because I love row homes. Fun trip.
