
Mar 13, 2013

Benjamin's Blessing

I smocked Benjamin's blessing outfit, there are photos here and here.
I promised you photos of the big day, so here they are!
My husband and me with little Benjamin.

The star of the show, Benjamin.
He is a happy little guy, he's always content :)

It was a big day for Benjamin, so a little snoozing was in order!

I love this photo!

This is Benjamin's cousin, Kylie.  They are four months apart in age.  I am currently making her blessing gown and bonnet.
I thought this photo is so cute, because they are holding hands :)

Vanessa is my youngest daughter and Bridger and Kennedy are my oldest grandchildren.
Kennedy is wearing a dress that I smocked for Vanessa when she was Kennedy's age.

My son Sean is on a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
 He will be 20 years old on Friday, so I surprised him in his weekly email with this photo.  
Our five oldest children and their spouses (Vanessa's husband couldn't make it), and my husband's sister and her son on the end.

These two year olds wanted to hold the poster all by themselves!

I hope you enjoyed the show :)

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  1. The blessing outfit looks even cuter on Benjamin! Your family photo is beautiful--thank you for sharing it.

  2. Benjamin's blessing outfit turned out wonderful! Nice job Cynthia! These outfits will be treasures to be handed down generation to generation. And how lovely to have such nice family pictures.

  3. I love that photo of Kylie and Benji lol their faces are super cute in it also!
