
Feb 18, 2013


This is Row 11 of Lori's Bee in my Bonnet Quilt Along.
Spools of thread, all in a row!
These are the fabrics I chose to create each little spool.

I really liked the gray Lori used for her spools, I was really tempted to do the same. 
Instead, I thought I would stick with off white, simply because I used the same color for my apple cores which you can see here.

The fabric I used for the spools has text on it.

This was probably the fastest row to cut and sew so far :)
I had to show you this aqua spool close up.
Doesn't it look like thread wound around the spool?

Here are all 14 spools.

Here are all my rows on my "faux" design wall.
A fancy way to say they are all taped to the wall.

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  1. Your rows are fabulous. I'm afraid I'm so far behind, I'm not sure I can catch up!

  2. I am only behind one row...thank you lord! Yours look great, so bright and happy!
