
Jan 28, 2013

Nine Cups of Cocoa

Well, I'm on the fast track to catching up to the Bee in my Bonnet Row Along.
My favorite part about making this quilt is choosing the fabrics.
I think the green cup in the middle looks like it is from Anthropologie, my favorite store :)
It just needs a "c" stamped on it in blue ink.

The best way to take a photo of this 50 l/2" row is to lay it on my two largest design boards like so.....

Nine cups of Cocoa is Row #6.
I have 4 more rows to measure, cut and sew before I am caught up.

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  1. Hi Cynthia!!!
    Your rows are looking awesome and you're almost caught up...YaY!!!

  2. Those look great. I was late going on this and didn't think I could catch up so am just enjoying every one else's.

  3. I LOVE those cups of cocoa!!! Your colors are so bright and cheerful, I can't wait to see this all put together:-)

  4. Your rows look so cute and happy! Way to go! I wish I would have started this row along in the very beginning. I think it's too late to start now, but I'm enjoying seeing everyone else's progress.
