
Dec 5, 2012

Chalkboard Gifts

I ordered these wooden plaques from "Pick Your Plum".  
They were engraved with the names of all of my grandchildren, except for Benjamin who was born after I ordered the plaques.  Benjamin would be too young to play with them anyway....
I sprayed the first set with black chalkboard paint.
It dries really fast.
I used paint markers to highlight their names.

I sprayed the second set with green chalkboard paint.

The names looks so much prettier after they are embellished.

Before you write or draw with chalk on the boards, you have to shade the whole surface with chalk and then wipe it off with a dry cloth. This enables the chalk to adhere to the surface better.

I made a set of chalk holders for each grandchild.

Don't they look pretty all packaged up with a mentos treat?

I'm hoping they will be a big hit!

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  1. What a great idea! I can tell you are the fun grandma.

  2. They look great! I would have been excited to get one when I was a kid.
