
Nov 16, 2012

Paperdoll Block

These are Blocks 1 and 2, I completed them on schedule when I was taking the class from Lori in Utah.  Then we moved to Florida.
We had four grand daughters born within seven months of each other, and I was very busy making them all baby quilts, quilted wall hangings and very detailed blessing gowns with bonnets to match.
My paperdoll quilt was put to the side and I have just worked on it here and there since then.
Let me introduce to you, Rebecca Louise and Lindsay Leigh, my paperdolls named after my real life daughters who are only 16 months apart in age.  They are now 31 and 30 years in real life :)
I changed the dolls around a little and changed their hair color.  
Lindsay was born on Thursday, it's embroidered on her underwear.
Notice the detail?  Rebecca is wearing an old fashioned roller skate key around her neck.  She has a band aid on her elbow and her knee.  Her toes are painted red.  

The directions....the scissors are appliqued, and the rest is embroidered.  I remember as a really little girl, cutting out paperdolls.  Sometimes I wasn't too careful and cut off their tabs :)

This is Blocks 1 and 2 completed.  
all that
will need
to begin

All the blocks lying on top of each other and folded in half, waiting to be blocked and sewn together.

All 14 patterns are finished!

I still have more to show you next Friday :)

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