
Nov 28, 2012

My Wedding Dress

Kennedy is such a sweetheart.  She is my 5 year old grand daughter, and Kennedy was my maiden name :)  Kennedy Grace (Grace was her great great great maternal grandmother's name) loves trying on my wedding dress, it makes her feel like a princess.

Wouldn't you have wanted to try on your grandmother's dress when you were a little girl?
Isn't Kennedy precious?
She asked me in a quiet, shy voice, "Grammy, do you still have your wedding dress?  Can I try it on?"

This is what I looked like in the dress 32 years ago!
Both the dress and my husband's tuxedo were featured on the cover of a bridal magazine in 1980.  Yes, the hat with the veil was in style back then.  Ha ha!!!

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  1. What a lucky grand daughter, and she looks so sweet in your wedding dress :)
    And look at that picture of you and your husband! Love it. How fun to be featured on the cover of a brides magazine.

  2. Is that the DC temple? Gorgeous!
