
Oct 5, 2012

Paperdoll Block

run through the
they ride bikes to the
5 and DIME
for penny candy!

I love the vintage bathing suit with the red embroidered trim and belt loops.
Don't you just love the scalloped, polka dot sunglasses?

I love the orange soda in the glass bottle with the green and white striped straw.  The candy was fun to embroider, especially the long piece of licorice!

That is exactly what I used to do as a in the sprinklers in the backyard and then walk or ride my bike for a few blocks to the corner candy store.  
I used to buy chocolate bars for ten and twenty five cents, and popsicles.  I especially liked string licorice.  I would buy three strings and braid them, and then eat the braid :)
Does this bring back memories for you?
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1 comment:

  1. Sprinklers with gentle water sprays, plaid swimsuits, bikes with handle streamers, hopscotch on the sidewalk, playing Monopoly for hours while chewing on bit o' honey candy... oh yes, memories of childhood summers!
