
Oct 10, 2012

A Tooth Fairy Envelope for Kennedy

Kennedy is my sweet little grand daughter.  
She turned 5 in July.

She learned how to ride her bicycle without the training wheels!

She began Kindergarten, and goes to school with her big brother Bridger who is in second grade. 
Little Charlotte is left home alone with only her mother to play with!  LOL

Kennedy and I like to bake cookies together.

.... and have tea parties.

Kennedy likes to use my camera to take pictures of me :)

Sometimes Kennedy is a camera hog...

but I don't care because I LOVE her!!!
Whenever I want to take her picture, she poses....
Her grandfather thinks she will be a model someday.

Kennedy told me she had a loose tooth.  She is growing up so fast.
I wanted to help make this moment special for her so I had an idea....
I asked her to draw a picture of the tooth fairy.
Her tooth fairy is as pretty as she is!  
Notice how she writes part of her "Y", onto the top of the "D" to make it look like an apple.
Pretty original!!!

I drew her drawing onto fabric and embroidered the image.

Kennedy and I went to the quilt shop together and she picked out some pretty pink fabric.

I made a fabric envelope to hold Kennedy's tooth.
She can slip the envelope under her pillow.
In the morning her tooth will be gone, and the tooth fairy will have left a treat in its place.
Kennedy said that the envelope will hold two teeth, one in the envelope and one in the pocket on the back.

Now Kennedy says she has TWO loose teeth :)

I sure do ♥ that 5 year old grand daughter of mine!!!

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  1. Sweet, what an awesome grandma you are to your beautiful granddaughter!

  2. What a great idea! She is a cutie, and very lucky little girl to have so many happy memories with her grandmother.

  3. I love it! And she REALLY loves it :) I didn't get to show her last night, but I will as soon as she gets home from school--she will be speechless!

  4. That is one of the cutest things I've seen in a long while. A fitting match for that adorable girl.

  5. Hi Grammy, this is Kennedy. Thank you for making me the toothfairy bag. What are you doing today? What are you going to eat for dinner? My tooth is getting looser. I'm excited for the Toothfairy to see the bag. I love you. xox0x0x0x0xoxoxoxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Oh, my God! She is really a beautiful little person!
