
Sep 21, 2012

Paperdoll Block

goes on a 
camping trip
with her whole
old campfire
roasting hot dogs
and making
are her

I love this block, it is the first one I made.  
Look at the buttonholes on the shirt, don't they look real?
The compass was really difficult to applique, the green circle and then the off white circle, the red needle is embroidered and  N,S,E and W are drawn with permanent acid free marker.
Aren't the hiking boots cute? The eyelets, laces and scalloped souls are embroidered.
Each one of the marshmallows was appliqued, and the stick was embroidered.  That took a while!
I also really like the hot dogs in the ziplock bag :)  The hot dogs are one piece of fabric appliqued, and everything else is embroidered.
All I can say, is that this paperdoll has a really nice camping outfit :)
Unfortunately we never went camping as a family, but Rebecca and Lindsay went to girl's camp every summer and had great camping experiences there.

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