
Jul 13, 2012

Peppermint Pizzaz

Peppermint Pizzaz is a 43" X 43" table topper by Cotton Way.
The cutting instructions are simple, as well as the sewing instructions.  Because of the pinwheel stars and flying geese, I would call this an "intermediate" level pattern.  I enjoyed sewing it, but am not pleased with the colors I chose.

I love the fabrics in the peppermints, they are from the Vintage Modern line, designed by Bonnie and Camille.

The peppermint sticks were supposed to be sewn a different way.  The pattern says to cut six strips of fabric, sew them together, and then cut them on the diagonal for the peppermint sticks, with skinny borders around them.  I thought the red and white striped Vintage Modern fabric with little polka dots was perfect for the peppermint sticks, so I just cut the fabric into peppermint shapes instead of using the method stated in the pattern.  
I prefer the peppermint sticks in the pattern, versus mine!

The star quilt block is one of my favorites, and I especially like this one with the pinwheels in the middle :)  
The fabrics I chose for my table topper are much too faint.  
There should be some popping of color going on.....some rich reds.
I like my background compared to the one in the pattern, it is from the Ruby line.

It took a lot of sewing hours to finish this table topper.  Too many just to have it sit on the kitchen table.  
It would make a pretty wall hanging but I don't really need one.
I'm really not that thrilled with the results, mainly because of the colors (or lack of color) of the stars.
I have a I was sewing the rows of the table topper together, I was watching TV. I guess I wasn't paying attention and sewed the rows together without the sashing. Ugh! I had to do a lot of seam ripping......ouch!

I still need to purchase some fabric for the back so that I can machine quilt it, and will show you the finished product.
Did I mention that I'm teaching this class at the quilt shop?

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  1. I often find that the fabrics look great together when I am picking them out, and then discover they need more contrast once they are sewn in a block. Many times we are looking at the wonderful colors rather than from a view point of light and dark.
    Quilting is a learning adventure. I see something I would change with every quilt I make.
    Best of luck teaching your class!

  2. Very sweet pattern and fabric. I know what you mean though, when you finish and feel a little disappointed with the result, certainly has happened to me. But I like it!! I agree with you about those stars, so cute with the little pinwheels, another project to add to the list.
    Congrats and good luck with your class, let us know what you're teaching them!
