
Jul 9, 2012

Girl's Night, the results!

We had our girl's night at Rebecca's house.

Rebecca has a 2 year old daughter named Maisie, and a baby boy  due at the end of October ♥.

Lindsay came.....

.....she has three children, Bridger is 7, going into first grade, Kennedy is almost 5, going into Kindergarten, and Charlotte is 2.

....and Kimalee came,

Kim has a 20 month old daughter named Reagan.

Unfortunately, Mabulane and Vanessa weren't able to make it.

Everyone chose their color combos that I had precut, and I showed them the project.  We made the lunch bag tutorial by Ayumi, from the Pink Penguin blog. This was one of the first projects that I pinned ("random tutorial" board) when I first started Pinterest.  I have wanted to make this bag for a long time!  Ayumi did an excellent job with her photographs and directions.

We did a lot of sewing......

And a lot of pressing......

After about 3 hours, we were finished!

I bought this Amy Butler fabric at the last minute, because I thought I was minus one kit.  Aren't the colors beautiful?  Unfortunately I forgot to take a closeup.  I liked the fabric so much that I bought more to take home and make another bag :)

Lindsay chose the cute pink gingham elephants, with yellow fabric and pink polka dots.  Reminds me of bubble gum!  (I don't know why!!!)  It is so cute.

I love Kim's too!  She chose the yellow Japanese print, with an alphabet cover.  I always like red fabric with white polka dots.  It is adorable.

I love this bright pink fabric with flowers, and I have the same cover as Lindsay's, the yellow with pink polka dots.

We had a great time and it was fun to complete a project in one evening.

I took some pictures of my bag during the day, with better light.

Notice the word "hope" on the handle?

The inside of the bag itself is completely lined.

The bag opens up nice and wide at the top.  You can use the bag to carry your embroidery with you, your hexagons that you are handstitching during children's soccer practices (ha ha!), and Lindsaymy suggested using it as a makeup bag. There are so many things you could use the bag for.
I hope I have inspired you to make one of these bags, they were a lot of fun to make.  It would make a great gift too!

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  1. Very cute! I'm impressed that you got so much sewing done with little ones around "to help".

  2. Such cute bags--I am going to make more for gifts--thanks for the fun night!

  3. Hi Cynthia! This made my day completely! I am soooo happy to see everyone making their lunch bags and looking happy with their results! How fun it must be to have a sewing party like this!! I miss sewing with friends now..!

    Thank you so much for using my tutorial and for sharing these pictures on your blog! I so appreciate it ;)

  4. Ahh....the Reveal! How lovely! Those are super cute and it looks like you had a great time making them. It looks so fun to have a gang of like-minded ie (who like to sew!)people together for a night of fun! Thanks for sharing!
