
Jun 4, 2012

Montreal, a Walk and some Window Shopping

My brother Paul took me for a five hour walk up the mountain and down again.  This week, I will take you along with me, Montreal is a very interesting city!

Montreal is built on an island, surrounded by the St. Lawrence River.  We walked up Mt. Royal and on the way, stroll around Beaver Lake.  This is Paul, my tour guide.

On our way up the mountain, we walked along this beautiful trail.

We reached the top of Mt. Royal to see this gorgeous view of the city of Montreal.  You can see the Jacques Cartier bridge in the background.

It was a really hot, humid day, you can see the haze in the air.  The Champlain bridge is visible in the background.

We began our descent and found some dinosaurs!

Window Shopping

Vintage Shops

A changing room at one of the vintage shops.

On Wednesday, I will show you some more ♥

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  1. I've never been to Montreal. Thanks for the tour!

  2. FOr some reason I haven't been able to leave a comment on the last few posts! Anyway, those stores look really fun--the mushrooms in the window??? What fun things did they sell there??? And I love how green everything is!

  3. Oh what a pretty trail! It looks so peaceful and green! :)
