
May 18, 2012

My Quilt Design

In late 2008, I was asked to design a quilt for the City of South Jordan's Sesquicentennial year/celebration. You can read about it on Lindsay's blog

These are close ups of the quilt, but some of the pictures are blurry!
I asked 8 women to help me, and they were delighted to be a part of the project.  I made little kits for each of them with the patterns and fabric they needed to cut and sew their blocks.

Gayla Nielsen sewed 5 of the blocks surrounding city hall. The purple 4 pointed star, the blue and white block underneath the gold leaf, on the right, the red and gold monkey wrench block, the green diamond on gold block, and the brown basket.

These three photos are of statues in the city, and the fountain by city hall. 
My daughter Rebecca sewed all 12 stars, she is a new quilter at the time, too!

My daughter Lindsay sewed the four tumbling leaves around the city hall block, and 3 spinning geese, one is to the left of the trees,it has a greenbackground.

The clock tower stands across the street from city hall, in the town center. Betty Peterson appliqued it, and the block under city hall, that says "South Jordan, Sesquicentennial 1859-2009". She embroidered the words. She also sewed the six purple bowties. I used one on the back of the quilt, by the label. She sewed the pink "Sister's Choice" block, under the top left gale tree. 

Betty also embroidered the words under one of the black and white photos.  These two photos represent the past of South Jordan.

Marianne Marlor embroidered the words under the other black and white photo. Marianne also sewed eight pinwheel blocks, 4 blue ones that are on the corners around city hall, and 4 red and gold ones that are on the corners of the quilt. She also sewed two of the flying geese strips that point toward city hall.

Cindy Geilmann sewed the pink and beige nine patch to the right of the clock tower, and two of the flying geese strips pointing toward city hall. She also sewed the 5 pink and beige rectangles that separate the two black and white photos.

The tree is called the "gale" tree. South Jordan City used to be called Gale City, because the wind blew a lot. The wind is blowing the trees to the east. Nanette Davis sewed those four blocks. They have so many pieces in them.

Liz Copeland sewed these 6 spool blocks, in brown. She also sewed the "log cabin" block that is on the top right of city hall, to the left of a blue pinwheel.

Cindy Paulson machine quilted the quilt. She does a fantastic job, I get her to machine quilt all of my quilts.

This is the label on the back of the quilt, giving recognition to everyone who helped.

Material Girls Quilt shop donated all the fabric for the quilt. I loved the process of designing the quilt, from drawing the blocks out on graph paper, to choosing the prints and colors.  My daughters and friends were so wonderful to help me with this quilt. They sewed all the blocks and I sewed everything together.  It was a group effort.
This quilt now hangs at the Gale Museum in South Jordan, Utah.

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1 comment:

  1. What a great team effort, and a beautiful quilt as a result. I love the fact that it incorporated so much of the history of the city. Very creative, and a lovely record of the town's history. Love it!
