
May 23, 2012

Fabric from the Other Side of the World

My son Addison, married a beautiful young woman (Mabulane) from Lesotho, a country surrounded by South Africa. They have a sweet little girl named Neo.  My son Sean is in the photo, just before he left for Brazil.

Majubere is Mabulane's sister, and she sent me some fabric that she bought in Maseru, Lesotho.
Here is Majubere with her niece (my grand daughter), Neo.

The fabric has a lot of sizing in it, making it very stiff.  Mabulane told me that when I wash it, it will be really soft.  I can't really tell what the fabric content is, if it's 100% cotton or a mix.  She sent me a yard of each of these prints.  I love the geometric designs!

There wasn't anything printed on the selvage, but the inside was had a stamp every 12" or so.

I only have 2 prints, so I think I'll make a nine patch.  Do you have any suggestions?
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  1. You have such a beautiful family. How fun to get fabric from South Africa. I think it would be a wonderful idea to make a baby quilt for Neo so she will have a remembrance of her heritage.

  2. Oh! Neo is so beautiful!

  3. No suggestions but your granddaughter is darling. And the fabric is really interesting. I'm excited to see what you do with it.
